
Basecamp 2 makes it easy to share files, like images or spreadsheets, in your projects. You can add a comment to any file, or loop in someone if they're not on the project.

Adding Files

  1. From the files area of your project, click the "Upload files" button. It's on the top-right of your project. The size limit for a single upload is 10GB.A screenshot with an arrow pointing to the 'Add files' button
  2. Drag and drop a file from your computer into the browser. Or use the "Select files" link. A screenshot with an arrow pointing to the 'Select files' area
      Dragging and Dropping is not supported in Internet Explorer.
  3. Once you've chosen your files, click the green "Add this file" button. A screenshot showing an attached photo with an arrow pointing to the 'Add this file' button
    Didn't mean to upload that file? No worries!  Delete it!
  4. You can attach files to comments and messages. A screenshot showing an image attached to a comment
  5. You can also attach files directly to to-dos. A screenshot of a to-do with an arrow pointing to the 'Attach files' link
  6. The "Edit" link on a stand-alone file will let you update the privacy setting to hide the file from the client on the project. It won't let you edit the file contents, though. A screenshot of a file with an arrow pointing to the Edit link
  7. You can download all files attached to a message or comment by using the link at the bottom of the message or comment. A screenshot of a comment with multiple files attached and an arrow point to the download link
  8. When you click on a PDF, Basecamp will show it to you right away. And when you click on a video or sound, it will play immediately (for most browsers and file types.) An animated gif image showing a user click on a PDF and then a video
    Video and sound file playback depends on your web browser's capabilities. For best results, we recommend using Chrome or Safari.
    If you use Internet Explorer, you'll need to install Adobe Reader to view PDFs in Basecamp.

Viewing and Sorting Files

Basecamp 2 lets you view your files in a grid or list. You can sort your files by type/label and file size, name and upload date. 

Animated gif image showing a list of files and a mouse cursor selecting the different sort optionsList view shows you the file size and lets you directly download or delete the file.  A screenshot showing two files with a circle around the download button

You can filter your files to find them by file name or extension. Just type in the filter field and Basecamp will find matching files.  A screenshot with an arrow pointing to the filter fieldAnimated gif showing a word being typed in the filter field the the matching files that appear

Renaming Files

You can rename files when you upload them, or after they have been uploaded to your project.

  1. When uploading a file, click on the current file name (below its icon or thumbnail). A screenshot with an arrow pointing to the file name of a file
  2. Type the new file name, then upload as usual.A screenshot showing a file that has been renamed
  3. To rename a file that has already been uploaded, go to the file's page, then click Edit. A screenshot of a file page with an arrow pointing to the Edit button

Next help article:  File Labels →