Log in with Google authentication

Connect your Google account for quicker sign-ins.

First log in as usual. From the home page, click on "Me":

A screenshot showing the top section of the Basecamp 2 Home page with an arrow pointing to the

On the "Me" page, click to update your personal info:

A screenshot of a user's

Next, click the  Change your login info here  link below your personal info:

A screenshot of the

Click the   Switch to Google  button:

A screenshot showing two login options; 'Switch to Google' on the left and 'Email and password' on the right. An arrow is pointing towards the Google option.

In the pop-up window that appears, pick the Google account you want to use to sign in to Basecamp and you're all set.

A screenshot of a pop-up window showing a list of Google accounts the user can choose to sign in with

The next time you log in to Basecamp, just click Use my Google account !