Sharing your Calendars

If you're using  stand-alone calendars to schedule events, you'll want to make sure the right team members can see your calendars. Just share your calendars with your team, and everyone will be on time.

There's no read-only access to calendars. When you share a calendar, users can see and create events on that calendar.

Sharing from the Calendar

  1. Click on the Calendar you want to share and you'll be taken to that specific calendar.

    A screenshot of a list of calendars

  2. Click "Calendar settings" on the right. Type in names or companies/groups and click Save Changes to give your users access to your calendar.

    A screenshot of the calendar settings with options to choose a color and invite people

Sharing from a User's Page

  1. If you're an admin you can can add a user to multiple calendars at once. Go to their person page and click their "superpowers and access to projects" link.

    A screenshot of an arrow pointing to the 'superpowers and access to projects' link

  2. Select the calendars you want to give them access to.

    A screenshot of a user's calendar access

Everyone on a project can see the project calendar (except for hidden events in Client Projects).

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